Celebration Assembly 2022

On Monday 28th of April two very special celebration assemblies were held at school to celebrate the children’s achievements throughout the term.

Miss Barnard kicked off the assembly by talking about the significance of “No Pen Day” that the whole school had recently participated in.  She talked about how this was a day in which we could imagine how it must be like for those children who are unable to afford the luxury of a pen and those who have a disability and are unable to hold a pen.


She went onto to show a slide show of pictures that the Year 6 children had compiled of pictures that had been captured through-out the day of those with a pen in their hand!


The pupils were then awarded certificates for Merits, House Point Achievement (Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond/Platinum), and also celebrated 100% Attendance.  The whole school celebrated each other’s achievement and the children were proud to receive the certificates from Miss Barnard.


It was then time to award the lucky winners of the Easter baskets!

The children watched a video of  Year 6 who had pulled out the Easter Raffle Tickets to find the lucky winners – and applauded their good fortune.  The children were delighted to have these lovely Easter baskets that had been provided by FOSCH.  Thank you!


Finally, everyone joined together to say a prayer of thanks for our well-being and hope that we have a happy, safe and enjoyable Easter Break.