Category: News

Reception’s Outdoor Learning

This week Reception Billington have been exploring the properties of 2D shapes.  We had great fun making circles and triangles from natural objects when learning outdoors.  We thought about whether the sides were straight or curved, whether the shapes had points and which materials would work best for each shape.

EYFS & Year 1 Halloween Disco

The children had a fantastic time at the Halloween Disco! Everyone looked amazing in their costumes, and they had a great time enjoying the games and music provided by the DJ. A big thank you to FOCHS for organising such a wonderful event and for taking the time to decorate…

ISA Cross Country Competition

All the children in the cross country squad ran extremely well and achieved amazing final placing. Valentina (Y5) came in 7th place out of 60+ runners and has made it through to nationals, which is incredible. Mr Barham was very proud that the children at Coopersale behaved outstandingly when representing…

Jessica Donates her Hair to Charity

We were proud to learn that Jessic in year 5 has donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other causes. This is wonderful way to…

WildWoods session

Our little explorers had a fantastic time searching for signs of autumn during our WildWoods session last week. They discovered leaves in a variety of colours and worked together as a team to explore the wonders of nature.   It was heart warming to see their excitement and curiosity as…