“On Thursday 12 October, Year 5 went to Pelly Court to sing some Harvest songs and deliver some Harvest gifts. The bus drive was only two minutes. When we got there, we sang lots of songs, my favourite was ‘Autumn Days’.
I was talking to a nice lady called Margaret; I gave her some Harvest goods. She said, “I don’t like milkshakes so my grandson can have it”. I asked what she did when she was younger? She answered “I worked in a factory and then in a hospital”. I then asked her how old she was she said, “I am 73”.
I told her about my best friend, where I live in Roydon, and that I have a pet bunny. I also told her that I have four cousins, Alicia who is eighteen, Jack and Loise are twins and are fifteen and Lucy who is 12. My Mummy is 37 and my Daddy is 38. I love English but I am not good at Maths.” Frances
“On the afternoon of Thursday 12 October, Year 5 had a fantastic time visiting the elderly at Pelly Court. When we walked in we saw all the elderly talking and having lunch together. When we started singing our Harvest festival songs, all their faces lit up and nearly every one of them was smiling. My favourite song was ‘Harvest Samba’. I think everybody loved that song.
After we had finished all the songs, we handed around bags that were filled with our Harvest goods that we had collected. The first person I spoke to was lovely, she mainly asked me questions about school. Did I like school? Do you like Harvest Festival? She asked me lots of questions I could not possibly remember them all. The second person I spoke to was a man. He asked me lots of questions about the piano. I think he might have played the piano when he was younger. This man had hearing aids so I had to talk slowly and clearly. The last person I spoke to was my favourite, her great nephews go to this school. I told her what I like about Pelly Court and Harvest Festival. I loved talking to her, and could have carried on talking for ages.
I wish I could go back to Pelly Court next year. I had an unforgettable time, I hope next year’s Year 5 enjoy it as much as I did.” Isabelle