On Friday 4 May Year 3W had the exciting chance to perform their carefully rehearsed assembly to the rest of the school, as well as the many friends and family who came to watch. All of the children took part in various scenes to demonstrate what it must have been like to live in World War 2. They had a lot of words and actions to remember, but the children did an amazing job and provided a great insight into the country’s history.
The audience and teachers were very impressed with the confidence that Year 3W showed on stage. Well done everyone. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Knowles are very proud of you!
On Friday 18 May it was class 3D’s chance to perform their class assembly about World War 2. The children were transported back in time by a magic 1938 Austin 7 time travelling car. The class explained the main events of the war from a child’s perspective, which included being evacuated and leaving your parents then having to go and live with strangers. There was also the upset and worry of not being evacuated and staying in the big cities, sleeping night after night in an air raid shelter. The class sang some great war time songs and there was even a couple of wonderful soloists who brought a tear to some of the audience’s eyes. The class have really enjoyed their World War 2 topic.