A BIG thank you to everyone who so kindly donated uniform, shoes, clothes and toys to the Peace and Hope charity. During half term we drove an absolutely fully packed van up to Ross-on-Wye where the Peace and Hope Trust have their warehouse. They were extremely grateful for our donations and will send them to Nicargua in Central America where the people are desperate, they live off pickings from rubbish dumps! Could you imagine this? Peace and Hope send 6/7 containers full a year but it costs between £5000/6000 for each one.
Their warehouses contain clothes, medical aids, wheelchairs etc all of which have been discarded by us but are invaluable to someone out there. Could you imagine having a disabled or injured child and not being able to give them the equipment they need for life?
Peace and Hope kit out schools and hospitals in Nicaragua- if you know of hospitals who are replacing essential items (beds etc) on a large scale please get in touch with The Peace and Hope Trust and they will collect them if there are enough to fill their van. If you have smaller items Mrs Lane has kindly offers to deliver them in her car.