Epping Horticultural Society Potato Competition

At the start of the Spring term, some pupils from Coopersale Hall School took part in the Epping Horticultural Society Potato Competition in an attempt to grow the biggest potato! The children enjoyed helping to fill the sacks with soil, put in the potato tuber, taking care not to knock off the white shoots, and gently place in the seeds.  The plants would take several weeks to grow and due to the school lockdown, we were very lucky to have Dave Hughes – one of our ‘Boys in Blue’ -on hand to look after the plants by watering them and topping up the soil.  On our return back to school the children were very excited to discover so many wonderful potato plants in their sacks.  They were happy to compare the sizes and count how many in total they had managed to grow! They were very proud of their achievements! A very special ‘thank you’ to Dave for all his help in looking after and digging up the potato plants within our school grounds!