Science Week Awards

As well as celebrating the pupils being back in school, Coopersale Hall were also celebrating British Science Week, from 5th – 14th March.

Leading up to Science week pupils had been set a task in science, during home schooling, to produce a video or presentation of any scientific experiment or topic that they had an interest in. After receiving many wonderful videos, powerpoints and presentations I was able to show all the lovely ideas and contributions to the classes during British Science Week. All year groups from Yr1 – Yr6 enjoyed contributing and watching the great variety of science being presented.

One pupil was selected from each class to receive a Special Science Week Award, for excellent presentation, interesting topic, clear and detailed explanation, or enthusiasm and enjoyment gained.

British Science Week Awards

Class: Awarded to:
Yr 1B Lila
Yr 1D Lilly
Yr 2S Saskia
Yr 2B India
Yr 3C Elizabeth
Yr 3G Abigail
Yr 4B James
Yr 4L Ruby
Yr 5N Kaiser
Yr 5L Gemma
Yr 6H Neve

Well done to all the pupils who contributed!