We take great pleasure in show casing and renewing the artwork pieces in the library, because as in the words of Miss Crick “we have very talented artists in the school” and therefore we would like to celebrate these diverse and varied talents.
The children in Year 4 have been looking at the work of Pablo Picasso, and in particular have taken inspiration from his piece “The Lady in the Hat”. We would like to thank Florence, Evie, Delilah and Isabelle for their lovely pieces. They are really eye-catching.
The picture “Summer Morning” was painted by Maria in Year 6. This piece really highlights her beautiful blending technique.
She also imagined the beautiful multi-patterned “Tree of Life” which she produced as part of her interview process for her new secondary school. She kindly brought this in for us all to enjoy – thank you.
Lucas in Year 4 Lane very kindly produced a bespoke piece of artwork especially for the library.
Year 4 have been learning about the lives and skills that we gained from the Romans and those from the Saxons. Lucas selected his wools and weaved the centre panel, blending his colours. He then decorated the mounting with runes, daggers and helmets – well done it looks fantastic.
Miss Smith has hosted a photography competition and we have proudly displayed all the entries and winners in the library. It is lovely to see the imaginative photographs that have been taken from children across all the year groups at Coopersale Hall.
On the back wall of the library you will see the artwork that has been produced by children from each of the reception classes.
Their artwork reflects their love of animals and nature. All the teachers agreed that the children adored this topic and they showed a real interest in creating their artwork. The children were very confident with using many different techniques to create their pieces.
These two pieces have been created by Scarlett in Year 6.
“The Girl in the Rain” shows how she has combined sequins, paints and sketching in this lovely piece.
“The Lady” is a lovely piece of sketching which she has taken great care over.
These pieces were all inspired by Year 6 and have been collated from works that they produced for their Easter Cards.
These pieces have been combined to create this display.
They have taken great care and thought in their work.
Thank you to Sorrel, Maria, Neve and Emily for their lovely work.
Well done to Robyn, Tate, Tommy, Phoebe and Verity in Miss Gowlands class.
Well done to Ava, Woolfe, Oliver, Scarlett, Joseph, Roma, Marion, Harrison and Poppy in Miss Marks class.
Well done to Isabella, Eloise, Harry, Jesse, Grace and Luke in Miss Smiths class.