During this term year 4 will be learning about the author Roald Dahl and enjoying some of his books together as their class reader. Before the Christmas break year 4 watched an interesting power point about him which informed them where he wrote his books and some of the things that he found inspiring. They were then allowed to choose a Roald Dahl book to enjoy and write an informative book review on what they had read.
Book – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory –
Skye (4B) – I love this book it was exciting and scary all at the same time!
Book – The Magic Finger –
Lewis (4B) – The moral is to treat animals kindly as they are just as important as yourself.
Book – Esio Trot –
Alice (4G) – Esio Trot is a lovely story about two lonely people who find love and companionship with each other and live happily ever after.
Book – The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me –
Defne (4B) – The window cleaning company was asked to clean the duke’s 677 windows! They used the Giraffe as the ladder, the Pelican’s beak as a bucket and the Monkey was the window cleaner because he was the only one with arms. I really enjoyed this – I couldn’t put it down.
Book – Matilda –
Evie (4G) – My favourite part was when Matilda got adopted by Miss Honey because they are happy. I think the moral is to be nice or you will never get a place in life.
Their teachers were very pleased with their work and were also delighted by the posters and fact-sheets that some of the children produced which they shared with their classmates. These reviews have been compiled into a book that can be found in the library if you are stuck for some inspiration on what to read next!
Pupils were also asked to choose books from a range that focused on personal wellbeing or books that are written by authors from a broad background which explore the diversity of life in different countries. Also included within this range were books which had been recommended and highlighted in a library questionnaire that everyone in the school had completed.
Their teachers were extremely proud of the lovely book reviews that they produced. These are a selection of their books and comments;
Simran (4G) – Book: Malala
Malala always got full marks in tests as she studied a lot but she still had time to play cricket in the ally with her brothers. So much has happened to Malala which has inspired me to voice my own opinion.
Abigail (4B) – Book: Lubna and the Pebble
It is a very sad story. It has a lot of meaning and the moral is to always be kind and respectful to others and their belongings – read this book, you will 100% learn something.
Rachel (4B) Book: The Mega Magic Hair Swop
The plot is about two girls who prefer each other’s hair but then they realise that their hair is a big part of themselves. In the end they learn to appreciate what they kind of hair they have.
Lizzie (4B) Book: The Boy who Harnessed the Wind
When a heatwave strikes a small village in Malawi, William has to drop out of school. Whilst searching for a dictionary in the public library, he found a book called “Explaining Physics” which changed his life forever. He used this book to power electricity and drinking water into his home using a windmill that he made himself.
Poppy (4G) Book: The Shark Caller
I would recommend this because it is amazingly beautiful and it has a lot of adjectives and speech. It was flawless.
Imogen (4B) Book: Scarlet and Ivy
They are twins, Scarlet goes to school while Ivy stayed at home. But when Scarlet is missing Ivy is forced to take her place at school in secret. Finding her sister’s diary, she tries to find where her missing twin can be! I enjoyed this book so much that I am reading the next book in the series!
All these reviews, and many more, have now been included in our “Recommended for You” folder, found in the library. We hope that this will be inspiring to everyone and helps you find that next best read.