Over the past week, the children from each year group have come together to meet their Head of House, their Year 6 House Prefect and also to welcome new members into their ranks.
Beech House is being led by Mrs Biddle, and the year 6 prefect is Maxwell in 6Z.
Willow House is being led by Miss Gilbert, and the year 6 prefect is Daniel in 6B.
Oak House is being led by Mrs Hogarth, and the year 6 prefect is Florence in 6Z
Chestnut is being led by Mrs Graves, and the year 6 prefect is Ruby J in 6B
The Head of Houses introduced themselves and told their children where they and their prefect could be found in the school, should they wish to talk to them. Everyone listened carefully to the values that each house wanted to uphold; kindness, respect, having a responsible attitude, being resilient and always striving to be the best that they can be. Everyone felt that they would wear their badges on their blazers with pride.
Each House has its own house board which will be used to update news, house points and much more. House points given to members of each house are important, as the combined total enables that House to have the winners’ cup for that week. The children appreciated that they could be awarded points in many different ways and for many different aspects of school life.
Every child was given a questionnaire to fill in which will let their House Captain and Prefect know their ideas for their House song, mascot and chant! which was very well received by everyone and got them thinking about how they could start to contribute to their House.
We wish every House a wonderful year ahead.