A Very Special Friday Assembly

Our final celebration assembly of this half-term began with debut performances from many of our children.  KS1 Choir Club opened with “Singing in the Dark” with the help of some of the older children.  We were then treated to the KS2 Choir singing “Roller Coaster”.  Everyone was delighted and applauded all of the participants for their excellent performances.


Miss Barnard was pleased to congratulate so many children for their achievements; Edith in Reception Smith for her swimming certificate, all of the children who were awarded Scientist of the Week, the merit certificates that were awarded to the children by their teachers, a pen licence achieved by Lilly in Year 3 and also to the many children and adults for their Bucket Filler award.  It was lovely to note how much had been achieved.


We all listened to Lucas in 6B and Roman in 6Z share with the school the results of their last football fixture.  Miss Barnard was delighted to call Amelia in 6B, Head of Eco-Council, to the front of the hall to present Miss Marks with a gift of her bicycle gifted for the children in her class.  Miss Marks stated that this would be the perfect addition to golden time.


Before the performance of the Rock Band, Miss Barnard read out the results of the house points for this week.  It was wonderful that Oak House was awarded the cup; well done to all of its members.  The Rock Band then took to the stage and we all enjoyed the music and singing of “Shot Gun”, and at the end of their performance the hall erupted with applause.


The assembly ended with Miss Barnard saying a prayer that wished everybody a healthy, happy and safe holiday, full of special moments with their loved ones.


The Rock Band took to the stage once again, and the children in the hall were dismissed with another performance of “Shot Gun”.


A jam-packed assembly to round up a busy half-term.