It’s Behind You!’- Pupils Enjoy A Day At The Pantomime

What is Christmas without a pantomime?

The children in KS1 and KS2 were thrilled to attend the Beauty and the Beast Pantomime in Colchester on Thursday 8th December.  Everyone settled down happily as the curtain went up.


Lucas in 6B was to be picked to go onto the stage.  He said, “Even though I felt nervous, I went up to the stage happily and answered all the questions that the Dame asked me.  She was so impressed with my good manners and attitude to this surprise event that in the second half she called me back on stage to give me an autographed picture of the cast and a bag of treats! I really enjoyed watching the panto and was pleased with my surprise Christmas treat!”


Thank you to FOCHS for organising this wonderful event for all the children and also for the ice-lollies that the children enjoyed in the interval.