The Benefits Of Yoga For Children

Yoga lessons are taught to all of our Kindergarten children from the first term they start at school. The children enjoy getting the chance to move their bodies and concentrate on their movements.

At the start of every lesson the children sit in a circle and listen to Miss Dawson, their Yoga teacher, ask them the question “what do you love?”, the children take it in turns to knock the chimes and answer. Its always interesting to hear the children’s answers, some saying “I love baked beans” and “I love my teddy” but the most common answer is often “I love my mummy playing with me.”  Every child has the opportunity to ring the chimes and have everyone listen to their answer.

These lessons help the children with social skills, encourages good team work and teaches them to have respect for one another as well as increasing their confidence.

The children follow Miss Dawson and hold the poses that she models for them at the front of the class.  The exercise improves muscle strength and helps to enhance concentration.  They are also helping to maintain their flexibility, body awareness, balance and co-ordination.

At the end of every class Miss Dawson repeats kind words of affirmation that the children join in with. I am Kind, Caring, Loving…


There are so many benefits to Yoga for children, it can support their mental health and wellbeing and help to focus the mind. In our busy, constantly stimulated world it can be really hard for children to find ways to switch off & calm down. Yoga provides a space where they can do this – without judgement or expectation.

It’s important to teach children how to relax, how to breath, how to release tension in the body through simple stretches & how to focus & calm the mind. Giving them the skills to be able to deal with anxiety or stress.