A Super Day At Suntrap

The children very much enjoyed their day at “The Hive”. They have written down their thoughts on this wonderful day.


Jesse (2V)

We went on our school trip to Suntrap.  First, we went to school and changed into our wellies.  Then we set off on our trip.  It was a long and hot journey!


Verity (2V)

When we got there Mrs Price said “there is a fox over there!!”  We all fell for it, well I did not but it was funny.  We walked into the classroom and then a lady called Louise stated to teach us about the forest and showed us the animals we might find there.


Scarlett (2B)

The lady gave us a map of the forest and we had to label all the different things into the key.  We used the map to see where we were going when we went into the forest.  She asked us to draw a line and think about how we would get back to “The Hive”.  After enjoying our snack we went outside.


Eloise (2V)

On the map was stages from 1 – 10.   Evelyn and I set off with everyone else to find the numbers in the forest.  When we found number 1 we saw a stuffed fox – he looked very realistic.  We kept on walking to the next number.


Rocco (2B)

When we got to number 3 we found a tree that had fallen.  It had fallen down 50 years ago but it was still alive and growing.


Luke (2B)

It was very hard to walk because there was a lot of sticky mud but we slowly got to the next number.  At every number there was a fun activity.  At number 4 we collected leaves and on another number we had an egg box where we had to fill it was things from the forest that felt different…like soft, prickly or hard.


Eloise (2V)

At number 9 we got to walk in the stream.  At number 10 because we had been good, Louise trusted us to play hide and seek.  We have such a lovely time.  We all then walked back to the classroom to have lunch.


Scarlett (2B)

After lunch we had a lady called Abbey who showed us some animals.  I held the fire salamander, the corn snake and the hissing cockroach.  There was also the giant African snail and a stick insect.  They were all amazing.  After that it was time to get back onto the minibus and we went back to school.  I loved our trip so much.



Everyone had a wonderful time and the teachers were very proud of everybody as they listened well, looked after each other and asked some wonderful questions.  We all had a magical day in the forest and enjoyed a wonderful school trip.