Miss Barnard was delighted to welcome everyone back after the Easter break and she hoped that everyone was feeling refreshed and looking forward to this final and exciting last term of the year.
Miss Barnard asked the children what was the function of the school council and asked School Council Class Reps to raise their hands. She also asked everyone what they thought was the role of FOCHS within the school and recalled the wide and varied events that FOCHS had supported within the school for everyone to enjoy together.
Clara in 6B, Head of School Council, came to the front of the hall to let everyone know why there was a tower of giant Lego on the stage. Clara informed us that Elena in 5G and she had met with Mrs Futter and Mrs Moyses from FOCHS for lunch at the school where they discussed what playground equipment would be best for all the children within the school to use during playtimes. FOCHS spent a lot of time and money putting together a collection of playground toys, which were displayed on the stage.
Everyone agreed that they were really looking forward to using all the new playground equipment and made a promise to treat the equipment with respect and be thoughtful whilst playing with it all. A rota would be set up after Lucas and Francesca in 6B, Sports Prefects pumped up the balls with the help of Mr Barham. The children showed their appreciation by thanking FOCHS with a delighted round of applause!
Miss Barnard closed our first assembly with a prayer and wished everyone a wonderful first day back.