Gymnastics Success

We were delighted to learn that Poppy and Emilia took part in a tumbling competition at Beckenham, representing the Epping Gymnastics Advanced Recreational team and Epping Gymnastics Squad team respectively.

It was a long 8-hour day with lots of healthy competition.  Both Poppy and Emilia were thrilled to bring home a medal, with Poppy obtaining silver and Emilia the gold in their categories.


Poppy 5N – This was an amazing experience for my first ever competition.  I really enjoyed it and I hope to do more gymnastics competitions in the future!


Emelia 4G – I thought I was in the Olympics! I was so surprised when I got first place and really proud.  I was determined not to give up and I am so pleased with the final results.


Mr Barham was extremely proud with both the girls and awarded them 20 house-points each for this wonderful achievement.