Moving Up Day 2023

On Thursday 6th July, the children spent the day with the teachers that will be teaching them in the new academic year.  We also welcomed, for this special day, the children who will be joining the school in September. We felt it was lovely that everyone would spend time with their new teacher and that this would help to alleviate first day nerves in September.

Also, we did not forget those who will be moving on next year – they spent time with Mr Barham doing lots of fun activities.

The teachers spent time getting to know their pupils and they all created work that will be  put onto the display boards in their new classrooms. Among the variety of activities that happened across the school were;


  •  ”All About Me” flowers, and “All About Me” bunting, sharing with their teachers what they consider are their accomplishments, and also areas they would like to work on in their forthcoming new year group. Goals and aspirations were considered and, in some classes the children wrote letters to themselves…to be opened next year so that they can reflect upon how many of their wishes they met and how many dreams they are still working towards.


  • Making birthday cards for our friends in the new year…it is wonderful to turn 6!  Other years made some wonderful artwork using paints, dabbing and collaging.


  • Scavenger hunts, tower building, parachute games, rounders and “Duck, Duck Goose” were all team building games that the children enjoyed across the school.


  • In some classes they spent time looking over their new time-table and in others they had a taster of their new class reader. The new Year 7 students also spent time looking at new study skills, time management strategies and team building activities that will help them in their new exciting stage of their education.


What lovely memories to take away!  and we hope that when the children enter their new classroom, they will feel confident when they see the familiar smiling face of their new teacher.