The whole school assembled in the hall to celebrate together the achievements that have been made over the previous week. We commenced our assembly with Mrs Bull announcing all the children that had been nominated to be in the school council. Each member was given their badge to proudly put onto their blazers.
Mrs Doherty then proceeded to announce the names of the children who had been awarded with a certificate. Everyone applauded those who received the “Star of the Week” awarded by their classmates for their kindness and thoughtfulness. The “Merit” certificate awarded by their teacher and “Scientist of the Week” awarded by Mrs Carter for outstanding work and attitude during science. We were also pleased for those pupils that gained their pen licence and those that received a “Performing Arts Star” award.
Delilah in 7R came to the front of the hall and told everyone about the PGL Netball Tournament that the year 7 girls had attended during the weekend and how they had gained the certificate for being the politest and most respectful players of the tournament.
We joined together to say the whole school prayer, returning to our lessons and looking forward to a great week ahead.