Epping Forest Youth Council

Recently, a group of Year 7 pupils were invited to take part in the Epping Youth Council ‘Cost of Living Youth Conference.’ This fantastic event saw schools from across Epping Forest come together to investigate how the cost of living crisis has been impacting young people in the district.

As part of the event, we got to listen to a number of influential guest speakers from a wide range of local and national organisations including Voluntary Action Essex, The Children’s Society, Epping Forest Foodbank and the Jack Petchey Foundation. We were able to participate in a number of interactive online activities as well as a Youth Debate on the motion ‘The Government should provide free public transport for all children and young people up to the age of 25, in full time education or on a low income.’ Four of our boys eloquently expressed their own opinions on the motion, a brave act considering the chambers were pack with almost 200 children. Many of our boys were inspired by the work of the youth councillors and hope to stand in future elections.

If parents are interested in reading the Epping Forest Youth Council Cost Of Living Report (2023) they can do so here, https://www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/EFYC-Cost-of-Living-Report-20-April-2023_.pdf