Miss Gowland was delighted to welcome the younger pupils into the hall for her assembly about kindness. On Monday 13th November, 2023 it was World Kindness Day, a global observance dedicated to promoting and celebrating acts of kindness.
The children enjoyed listening to a small clip and singing along to Glen Campbell – “Try a Little Kindness” and “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars, as the words to these songs were heartfelt and showed how important it is to be kind to one another.
EYFS and KS1 pupils were encouraged to show an act of kindness at school today. If they do their teacher can reward them with a little heart with a message of their act of kindness.
Mrs Bull and the girls in year 7R were delighted to welcome the KS2 children to their assembly in the studio. She explained that as part of this year’s Mental Health Awareness we would be looking at how even the small act of kindness can make a huge impact on somebody’s day. The assembly commenced with Margaux in 4B playing “Jingle Bells” on the piano, which was enthusiastically applauded.
Mini in year 7R told everyone that she come to Coopersale Hall when she was in Year 5 and that everyone had been very welcoming and kind to her. Ivy then read out “Alex the Alley Cat” by Wes Fessler …”Alex the alley cat had no home…He wished his life would turn around, but loneliness was all he found..But one day Alex found a friend, his loneliness had reached its end.”
In a socially distant world it is easy to feel a bit lonely. But by doing something nice for those around you, you can brighten up their day – and yours! Sophia gave some suggestions including making a cup of tea for someone in your family, being charitable, asking a parent if they could do a chore that would really help them out and also she told everyone to be kind to yourself and spend some time on you!
Ruby spoke about ways in which we are not kind; calling someone mean names, ignoring some, and not respecting their feelings. She closed her remarks by say “don’t do or say anything to anyone that you wouldn’t want someone to do or say to you.”
The assembly drew a close with Amelia saying the prayer. We all considered how we could put a smile on somebodies face in the forthcoming week. Remember that kindness can be contagious as it boosts the mood of those around you as well as yourself.