Year 6 Netball against Braeside

On 25 January, Year 6 girls played netball against Braeside.

Our team consisted of Florence, Simran, Poppy, Sophie, Blaise, Elena, Evie, Aimee and Skye.

The first quarter didn’t really go as planned and the score was 4-1 to Braeside but a good goal was scored by Poppy.

Second quarter we played much better with good passing. Poppy and Sophie each scored impressive goals.

We played well in the next two quarters, scoring another three goals and had lots of fun. Braeside also scored a couple more goals. We might not have won but we had a great time and we are looking forward to a rematch soon!

Thank you to Miss Crick and Mrs Russell for training us and taking us to the competition and to the parents who came to support us. We all really enjoyed it.

Florence 6Z and Blaise 6B