It was wonderful to see the amazing array of talent at the KS1 Talent Show performed for the judges and audience. The contestants performed for the judges – Mrs. Carter, Miss Marks, and Mr. Barham, our very own Simon Cowell. Miss Cricks introduced the different acts to the audience, and Miss Vora ensured each act had their very own drum roll.
The acts we had the pleasure of enjoying included magic tricks, football skills, gymnastics, karate skills, and dance troupes. We also enjoyed amazing piano pieces, singers, ballet dancing, joke telling, and poetry reading. The depth of talent was truly wonderful, and the audience was prompt to display their pleasure. Year 6 gave many acts a standing ovation.
Each act awaited the judges’ critiques and observations of their performance, and everyone listened intently to our very own Simon Cowell’s comments! Miss Crick was delighted with how respectful and kind the audience was to the brave and talented children who wanted to share their acts with their peers. The judges deliberated and conferred to announce the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners, and all received medals to the positive applause of everyone who enjoyed this wonderful Talent Show.