For World Book Day this year we collected for Water Aid. Alina and Oliver, our Year 4 school councillors, did some research about the charity and Alina produced a wonderful poster.
Water Aid
Can you imagine what it would be like not to have safe clean water to drink, or not to be able to wash with clean water every day, or not to have a toilet in your house?
785 million people do not have clean water close to home (that is 1 in 10 people)
2 billion people do not have a decent toilet of their own (that is 1 in 4 people)
31% of schools do not have clean water.
The aim of the Water Aid Charity is to help the world’s poorest people have clean drinking water and basic water for washing and toilet, water to keep clean and healthy and to stop disease. Water Aid started as a charity in the UK in 1981. Water Aid’s slogan “Change Lives with Clean Water”. Water Aid is working all over the world.
Did you know?
1 in 10 people do not have access to clean water
1 in 4 people do not have a decent toilet of their own
2 in 5 people lack handwashing facilities at home.
We drink it, wash our hands with it, use it to prepare food, and to flush our toilet. But too many people cannot take these actions safely because they do not have access to clean water. Water Aid is an international non-governmental organisation, focused on water, sanitation and hygiene. The organisation was first established by the UK water industry on 21 July 1981 as a charitable trust and their main office is in London. It was created as a response to the United Nations International Drinking Water decade (1981-1990). The President is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. Its first projects were in Zambia and Sri Lanka.
Water Aid works in partnership with local organisations in 34 countries in Africa, Asia, Central America and the Pacific region, to help poor communities establish sustainable water supplies and toilets, close to home, and to promote safe hygiene practices. It also works to influence government water and sanitation policies to serve the interests of vulnerable people and to ensure water and sanitation are prioritised in poverty reduction plans.
Change Lives With Clean Water
Together, we can make the basic human rights of clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere!