Coopersale Hall is open as usual on Monday 11 December.
Our maintenance team has cleared the snow from Flux’s Lane and has gritted the internal pathways. There is still snow in the car parks that’s thawing with the rain so please drive carefully on site.
Children should bring hats, scarves, gloves and coats, as well as a change of shoes (or boots) for break/lunchtimes if they play outside.
As ever when we are affected by snow, the safety of our families either on site or making their way to school is our primary concern. Please take care when using the surrounding roads as they may still be slippery.
We are aware that there are many families living in more rural areas or in streets more affected than others who might benefit from staggering the morning journey and giving the roads a chance to clear. Do feel free to bring your child to school slightly later at around 9.30am if this is the case.
We will be monitoring the weather reports in the morning, and will text with more information if there is more heavy snow during the day that settles. If this is the case, it is likely that we will close slightly earlier to give you the chance to pick your children up safely when it is still light. Thank you for bearing with us – the safety of our children, parents and staff is paramount when considering whether or not to remain open.